Monday 12 October 2015

Product description
Brand Value
$ 7.2 Billion
Dietrich Mateschitz
$ 6.5 Billion
Fuschi am See

Slogan: Redbull  Gives you wings
Target Audience: Youth (mainly males)
Drinking Components: Caffeine, Taurine and Glucuronolacton

Red Bull as we know it, was inspired by a Thai drink called Krating Daeng. During his visit to Thailand ,Dietrich Mateschitz ,the co-founder of the red bull company (red bull gmbH), found that out of all the energy drinks that he had sampled , Krating Daeng took away his jetlag.
Founded by Chaleo Yoovidhya, Krating Daeng was a drink popular among cab drivers and other blue collar workers in Thailand.
Mateschitz founded Red Bull GmbH in Austria in 1984 as a 49 percent partner with Chaleo Yoovidhya and his son. The company began marketing its namesake drink in Austria in 1987.
This was not only the launch of a completely new product, in fact it was the birth of a totally new product category, called energy drinks. Today Red Bull is available in more than 165 countries and more than 35 billion cans of Red Bull have been consumed so far.

Ever since its launch, there have been a lot of entries in the energy drink product category. But one thing that has remained constant is its NUMBER ONE position in the market.

So how did it reach the position it is on, is what we are going to see in the subsequent posts.

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